Monthly Archives

July 2016


    Bodacious Bean Burgers!

    July 28, 2016

    We at a lot of beans in my home. They are cheap, filling and healthy. In fact, my children, prefer beans to meat. Throughout this blog, I will provide different ways to enjoy beans. Another excellent bean resource is the Prudent Homemaker’s Post, How to Eat Beans Every Night. I used to shell out money for frozen black bean burgers but now I just make my own and freeze them for a fraction of the cost. I start with cooking black…

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  • My Pennsylvania

    Lackawanna Coal Mine Tour

    There are still a percentage of Pennsylvanians that heat their homes with anthracite coal. I come from a steel town just south of the slate belt. I was raised hearing the reverberation of ethnic…

    July 19, 2016
  • food

    Cantaloupe & Tomato Salad

    It was a hot and humid day. I didn’t feel like turning on the stove. I love summer eating because a salad can be a main dish. I had most of ingredients for this…

    July 14, 2016
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